Reporting Bugs and Requesting Features#

Reporting a Bug#

Bugs should be reported to our issue tracker after signing up for a free GitHub account.
Before reporting a bug, please use the bug/issue search to see if the issue has already been reported.

Requesting a Feature#

The best way to get a feature into Spunky Bot is to submit a pull request.

Reporting a Security Vulnerability#

We deeply appreciate any effort to disclose responsibly.

If you would like to report a vulnerability, or discovered a security issue in Spunky Bot, please e-mail us directly at:
This will allow us to assess the risk, and make a fix available before we add a bug report to the GitHub repository.

We take all disclosures very seriously and will do our best to rapidly respond and verify the vulnerability before taking the necessary steps to fix it.

Thanks for helping make Spunky Bot safe for everyone.

Secure Communications#

If you would like to secure your communications with us, the following PGP key can be used.
The public key ID for is 0x7EC01A2590514A31, and this public key is available from most commonly used keyservers with fingerprint 06BF 8E04 B244 4ED7 A3D8 9FB3 7EC0 1A25 9051 4A31.